Chapter Vignettes: Lost for Words
I worked on a project for a friend recently that got my back in the studio building stuff again, which felt great. I spent about a week and a half from start to finish, designing, building, and animating these titles. At first I wanted to do them as 2d graphics in After Effects, but I'm really glad Sean pushed for the photographic / sculptural vignette solution instead. It was much more fun to do them this way!
The film is called Lost for Words, and it's a short for Bravo!FACT. As is my Little Theatres project, only Sean's is live action, and took much less time to complete! So now it's done, and he's got a site and trailer happening. Way to go, Sean!
Below, you'll see the final sequences, complete with final audio. Sean took the files to a colour correction studio, Alter Ego, for final colour, and this changed the images quite dramatically. The film itself was mostly shot in a forest, and that footage had been treated with cool colours. I was surprised to see the final treatment of the chapter titles... I had imagined them as being very warm images. But it's a good surprise... this treatment works perfectly with the film. As you can see, they also brought up the contrast in the wooden type, to make the text more legible.
Here are the shots side by side: the original, un-colour-treated image on the top, and the final treated image on the bottom. What a difference in mood!
Chapter two (above, right) was lit using a small softbox, built by moi, using the technique described in this post. I was very happy with the results! The softbox is only lighting the small inset frame holding the plants. The softbox opening was designed to fit right into the top of that box, so it's quite small... Otherwise these were lit by Brendan Steacy and Sean Wainsteim.
And here's the animation. Simple animation, but just enough to add some life, and provide a reason for some fun sound FX :)
(I really am back on the film. I've shot one scene, and am planning the next. Updates on these soon! Hurray!)