End of Year Odds & Ends
Well, it's getting close to the end of the year, which means there's an exchange of "Best Of the Year" albums between a group of music-loving friends. Part of the delight of such an event, for me, is in the design of silly album covers. I designed one for myself, as well as two covers for Oz (boyfriend.)
My own album is significant to me this year because these are all CDs I listened to over and over again while working on Little Theatres. I listen to a lot of different music while I work, but these albums may have been played the most. (With the exception of Duffy -- I just like that song. :)
Oz splits his tracks into 2 CDs -- only this year, one of them is a triple album, as he could not narrow it down. Here's his "Best of NOT 08," which consists of music he discovered this year, but is not OF this year:
And here's the cover of his Best Of... He's still finalizing the massive playlist, so I haven't designed a back cover yet. I would not have understood this joke, as my capacity for music trivia is extremely limited, but apparently The Clash did a triple album called Sandinista to fulfill a contractual obligation with their record company... so I used that as a starting point, and then had a little fun with it. Cheesing it up with my favourite font, of course:
Also have been working on bits and pieces of the set... I did this a couple weeks ago, based on a photo from Erín of some Galician paprika in a tin:
As far as the animation is going... I finished the first shot, which I might show once it's been worked into the cut. I was a little disappointed with it, just slightly, and re-shot it twice after the initial puppet breakdown. I have two takes to choose from; not sure which one I'll use yet. I think they'll be fine though once they're in context.
Now I'm on a bit of a break... Marcus returns on the 29th to help set up the next shot, which is a doozy. There are camera moves, walk cycles, whip pans, extra set elements that I had to build for only 12 frames of film, etc. I'm extremely nervous and excited about this one... better rest up! And practice my walk cycles... yikes.
Oh, and one further note... I found out last week Suzie Templeton's first film was about a cabbage... I almost cried! Who makes films about cabbages???
Happy holidays everyone!