One year later, TIFF

My facebook page today is reminding me of something I posted one year ago, to this day:

let the record show, at 2:04 pm on Friday, August 13th, 2010, I SHOT THE LAST FRAME!!!

So I am dropping in here today, one year after shooting the last frame, to make the exciting announcement that was hinted at in the last post... Little Theatres: Homage to the Mineral of Cabbage has been accepted into TIFF! In my very own hometown, the film will be screening at an international festival. So this past week has been a whirlwind of excitement, including a press conference, the TIFF BootCamp (an entire day of seminars and chats with organizers of TIFF, as well as filmworld professionals: seasoned TIFF director Ingrid Veninger, a publicist, a journalist from The Toronto Star, distributors, etc.), and meeting other directors who are also screening at the festival.

The screenings will be on Wednesday September 14th at 5:30pm, and Thursday September 15th at 1:00pm. There are 43 short films in the festival, that are part of the Short Cuts Canada Programme, curated (is this the word?) by TIFF Programmers Alex Rogalski and Magali Simard. The films will be divided into 6 screenings, with Little Theatres appearing as part of Programme 6.

I'm so proud and honoured to be part of this festival! It's like waiting for school to start, only my whole school year will be condensed into the first two weeks of September. Can't wait.


Returning, with a new film

